
A call, a welcome~ That is all


09-24-2013, 03:01 PM

OOC: Sorry for the short post, im of to work.

It was tiring to say the least, the girl would seek security and just when she thought she had found it, her dream pack became abandoned. A sigh would roll of the tip of the salmon tounge, frustration kicking in, thumping against her insides. The crown would raise up to the blue sky, the ebony lips parting to let out a call to the new owner of the lands. Poppy wasn't much of a child anymore, in a few seasons she'll reach the age of 2 and for all of her child hood, she'd of been classed an orphan, with only the guidance of an eagle and even that left a few months ago.

The small paws caressed the hard earth smoothly as the dame would wait. The sandstone fur would blow coolly in the breeze and the icy blue hues would print upon the ground, simply staring at it. " This better be worth it, please just let this place be the one." The girl would softly chant under the sultry breath, barely whisper to even herself tire was beginning to eat her away and even though Poppy began to bulk, she was still in need of better health- a home.

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee