
Let the Good Times Roll



6 Years
09-24-2013, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 03:18 PM by Azalea.)

"Yes, we will." Her voice was solid, with an almost unnoticeable hitch as their eyes met. Azalea nodded back at her aunt. "Valhalla doesn't back down, much like it's leaders." This however threw the young gal off, her face turned unhappy or perhaps it was better called uncertain. "You didn't back down. Argent was a formidable oppenent for even the best fighter and you were already injured when you fought Sendoa. It could have been much worse." She didn't even want to imagine the casualties that had been possible. "Besides, you did fell the great king Isardis." There was hostility in her tone at the mention of the pink lord.

"Azalea - I wanted to speak to you, I've needed to for a while." She licked her chops as she grew silent to listen intently. "You have to know how much I trust you. You may feel like the title is big now - but I believe there's more to you than your title." Her words made Azalea's heart swell, the tip of her tail twitching in the beginning of a wag that she suppressed. "You were willing to fight against Glaciem without knowledge of them, on nothing but my orders - and that's something that not even Cormalin was willing to do."

"I know I didn't let you fight on the battlefield, and maybe I should have - but I didn't do it because I don't trust you, I just didn't want to see you hurt." Azalea said nothing, having not the moment to nor the words to give back. "And I can't do that anymore, I know that - it's just with you being family I want to keep you safe."

She shook her head at Chrys, "Isardis wants to hurt everyone I know and love. My loyalty to this pack is unfailing. My trust in you could never be shook. You did what you thought was right, maybe it frustrated me at the time and maybe I still wish I'd been given a chance, but I would never betray your wishes and I sure as hell wouldn't do in front of those Glaciem assholes." Some of her spark was restored. Azalea came down to simple things, she was a wolf named after plant stuck between the muster of her father and the compassion of her mother.

"So, whose butt do I get to kick first?" She teased lightly. "Sparring, I mean."