
If We Don't Leave This Town



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-14-2024, 09:44 PM

Mariah's heart ached with the desire to melt into Caedes' embrace, seeking the familiar warmth and security that only he could provide. As his forelimbs wrapped around her, she felt a sense of protection wash over her, easing the knot of worry in her stomach. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to be enveloped by his touch, finding solace in the steady beat of his heart against hers. "Caedes," she whispered his name like a prayer, her voice trembling with emotion as she pressed closer to him, "I cannot bear to think of you in danger."

Amidst the dire circumstances, a strange sense of comfort enveloped them. The air was thick with tension, but she took solace in their shared predicament. She trusted him implicitly, and believed wholeheartedly in his promise to protect himself for the sake of returning to her side. His words echoed in her mind, each syllable laced with determination: anything to return to you. Her heart swelled with an unfamiliar strength, one that came from the sheer force of their impossible affinity for one another. For a fleeting moment, Mariah allowed herself to revel in the comfort of Caedes' embrace. It was a strange feeling, being so close to someone she barely knew yet somehow felt so familiar with. But as quickly as it came, her mind snapped back to the harsh reality of their situation.

With a reluctant sigh, Mariah pulled away from his embrace but not before tracing a tender finger across the hardened surface of his scarred skin. Each mark held a story, a reminder of the battles he had fought and the trials he had survived. Her touch was like a feather against his rough exterior, offering a soothing balm to his battle-worn soul. As she met his gaze once more, her lips curved into a faint smile, hinting at the playful glint in her eyes. "Is that truly what you are? Deprived?" she teased, her voice laced with gentle affection.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. If We Don't Leave This Town Weeping Woods 05:27 PM, 03-14-2024 06:30 AM, 04-11-2024