
Knocking at your Gates [p]


03-10-2013, 06:36 PM

The call had rang out only a day or two ago. It had been heard clear to Seracia, which had been surprising to the King. Still, he knew the voice - if only vaguely - and had taken his leave to see to it that the new queen was settled and perhaps even strike up an alliance. The Seracian King was certain he would need good ties to the other pack to ensure his Kingdom's survival. The trek had not been as far as he'd imagined it would, and as he arrived just before evening, the King let out a call and stood at the borders, knowing how he felt about others barging into his territory. He would not do that to Jupiter - assuming that it was her that had taken claim to this patch. Gerhardt was impressed. He'd heard that this bit of land had been heavily contested, and somehow the strange looking woman had come out on top. He would have to offer her a proper congratulations for that. Fighting was nasty business, it was, but it was worth it when it meant having a home and a future. Not knowing how long it might take the fledgling alphess to arrive, Gerhardt took a seat on the rogue side of the borders, admiring the territory she had taken as her own. It had a unique quality to it, something else he'd have to commend the woman for. Craning his head down, he licked restlessly at a patch of fur on his chest and waited patiently.
