
dragon scales, charcoal eyes

large predator fight



Advanced Fighter (60)

Beginner Healer (10)

3 Years
Extra large
03-15-2024, 07:49 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2024, 07:50 AM by Idris. Edited 1 time in total.)

The long journey from Caran to wherever this place was had exhausted him. His stomach twisted with pain at how hungry he truly was. Though Cambria had caught them a few fish, they hadn't been enough. Risking her life to hunt a larger animal wasn't in his cards so he had stashed her away, commanding her to stay until he returned with dinner. Heading north from the strips of sand bars they had landed on, Idris searched. His pale coat nearly blended in with the bright sand around him, the only indicator someone was there was the black dot of his nose.

As he catches the scent trail of a nesting ocean bird, an aggressive hiss forces his attention off the path. Stopping in his tracks, he's face to face with a very large lizard that he's never seen before. His eyes widen for a moment, assessing the situation. Sharp teeth and long, even sharper claws were threatening enough, but if he were able to get ahold of it first... he stood a chance. Turning to face the dragon appearing reptile, Idris lowers his head and reveals his own set of sharp teeth, releasing a rumbling growl to try and ward off the predator before it came to shedding blood.

1/3 Fight large predator (Komodo Dragon, upward of 9-10ft)

table coding by bunni ♥

Idris is considered a MATURE character & may have threads with triggering themes.
Please read at your own descretion.

Cambria & Matija are near Idris at all times & allowed to enter any of Idris' threads if they please.
Beware, Idris is fiercely protective over both wolves & will do anything to keep them out of harm's way.

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1. dragon scales, charcoal eyes Fontamo Bay 07:49 AM, 03-15-2024 05:32 PM, 03-29-2024