
I Can't Stop, The Dogs Of War




Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-15-2024, 07:22 PM

Alexander was released, and that would be his opponent’s downfall. Song managed to get a hold for a brief moment, sinking the teeth into the enemy’s ankle to serve as a distraction. Enough of one that his focus broke for a second, tossed back and away. She would bolt forward, now swerving away from the dogs that the man commanded as Keeneye came down from the sky to save her. The badger and hawk were used to working together. Diablo’s fangs found his cheek, rather than his neck, leaving trails of blood in the wake of the fang caps. But the moment his opponent was free Alexander snapped his jaws towards him, biting and tearing back. He held nothing back against this other young man… something about his red coloring felt off… maybe because of the tales of the “red man” his mother considered her sworn enemy.

Assuming the Raider would have enough, Alexander broke away in search of another opponent. That was when he saw Saga falter… and her opponent kissing her? Now that was unexpected. Did she consider this male as a suitor? Well, he was going to have to get the approval of her little brother first! He approached the other male, a grin on his face. Maybe… maybe this didn’t need to be aggressive as he came in thinking.

“Hey, if you want to kiss my sister like that, you’re going to have to prove yourself against someone you can’t win against with a kiss!” Not that the raider couldn’t kiss him, but Alexander wasn’t looking to flirt with the enemy. Chickens or no chickens, this was about Ethne standing their ground and proving they didn’t just roll over when wolves wanted to take things from them. Whether against this pack or another, he was sure the result would have been the same.

“Show me your strength!” Alexander roared as he raced forward, fangs parted as came on for a second head on approach. If it wasn’t for his last opponent’s weird paws he was sure that it would have worked just fine! Upper jaw sought to clamp over his opponent’s muzzle with enough accuracy to avoid stabbing the brown-furred male. Bottom jaw was aimed to clamp over his bottom jaw, leaving the man’s muzzle in his mouth and preventing him from using those lips of his at all… at least if his attack worked! Alexander didn’t want to consider other options - he was a move on the fly kind of guy… if this failed he’d figure something else out.


Alexander vs Kenway for Dominance
Round 1/?
Age: Over one year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Steel Dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Armor
Companion 1: Hawk, Female - Perception
Companion 2: Badger, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Saber fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Elongated Mane - Defensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Expert Hunter

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. I Can't Stop, The Dogs Of War Obsidian Beach 03:01 PM, 03-01-2024 12:55 PM, 03-24-2024