Coran's hunting trip had gone later than expected. He'd been out fishing in the eastern rivers and by the time he'd decided to call it a night dark had already fallen. He was debating whether to find a place to sleep or make the trek back through the night and sleep in the morning when the sky suddenly lit up with green streaks of light. The aurora! It was a beautiful sight but he couldn't help but feel slightly on edge, remember tales of the long night and the horrors that had followed. The deep dark that stretched across the world and the lack of the sun, the sky instead lit up by strange lights. He had avoided most of that horrible time and he had no wish to get entrenched in it now. Hopefully this aurora, bright and vibrant as it was, was just a once off event and not a harbinger of something to come.
Deciding that he should take advantage of the light he set out to travel back west, working his way through the delta when he spied the blue and red wolf he'd met on an island as well as the pale yearling he'd hunted an albatross with. Coran cleared his throat and called out in greeting. "Good evening. The sky is certainly something tonight."