
Be gentle, in the minds of others


09-24-2013, 07:10 PM

He watched her place her paws gingerly atop the two leaves he'd imagined as them, seeming to have fallen for his feigned astonishment. It wasn't easy for an adult to get so excited over foliage, after all. With a smile he would listen to her as she spoke - she was wise beyond her months of life. ?How did you get so smart?? He would question with both curiosity and amusement. One or both of her parents must have been intelligent for it to have rubbed off on her so quickly. She then posed an interesting question, to which his own jaw would drop slightly before folding into a confident smile. ?Certainly not, my dear. Your mother and I love you too much to let evil taint that pretty little face.? Though he had no means by which to keep that promise, he would do all he could to ensure that it didn't happen. He did love Arian deeply, and he wanted her to always walk in the path of a good and just wolf. She hopped onto his leg and subsequently tried to climb onto his back. He would contort his body in such a manner to hopefully make it easier for her. Her affectionate touch was kind and gentle, and he let out a noise akin to a purr. This was joy in its most simple form.
