
Pour Some Sugar On Me [p]


03-10-2013, 06:54 PM

Pregnancy was a wretched thing. Though the woman was not far enough along to be swollen as big as a warthog, she was carrying a bit more weight than she normally would. However, her large stature meant it was hardly noticeable at all. Still, the worst part was the hormones. Lately she'd been feeling far out of her element. Her personality had shifted nearly 180 degrees since Valko had impregnated her, and she hoped to whatever deity there may be that it would go back to normal as soon as the spawn were out of her. The woman laid down near the falls, happy to have some sort of background noise to rid her of her thoughts. Rolling onto her side and then her back, the dame twisted and writhed on the earth, finding herself wrought with heat and lustful intentions. But there was no one here to quench her thirst, not that she'd jump on a stranger anyway, or would she? The Lentajin gal was still sore, and as she writhed a pain shot through her, causing an involuntary yelp. Great, now someone's going to show up and want to talk. Still, the alternate persona that was inside of her due to pregnancy was kind of hoping someone would show up, it'd be a welcome relief to being alone. She struggled back to her paws, unwilling to stay in such a vulnerable state when someone could be headed in her direction. Rook sat placidly, staring at the falls idly.
