
The Dancing Sky


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
03-18-2024, 01:53 PM

Even though Delaeni was quick to apologize for her wrongdoings, Azoula didn’t shake the serious expression on her face. She wanted the weight of Laney’s mistake to bear down on the girl, the tigress’ disappointment acting as a catalyst- she needed a tighter grip on the reins, more control if she were going to keep Laney away from the salacious men of the Saxe brood. A low rumble resonated within her, a sound akin to a growl but it wasn’t aggressive- more like,  possessive and domineering.

Shifting her attention to the sky, Azoula becomes lost in the beautiful array of vibrant colors, patterns forming within the cosmic entity making it seem like the heavens were dancing just for them. Pulling Laney in a bit closer, she’s holding her pretty tightly now- the rise and fall of their ribs aligning, bringing on a wave of satisfaction.

When Laney asked what the oddity meant, Azoula fell silent for a bit- mulling over the possibilities in her mind, comparing them to what she’d been taught about the heavens and the cosmos. “I’ve never seen this before. Being creatures of the earth, we know little of the cosmos and its wonders” She admits.“But I’ve heard of rumors.” Still looking up at the sky, she’s captivated by the patterns and how it seems to pulsate beneath the stars. “There are beliefs that the heavens have storms like our world does- metaphorical wars between entities of the cosmos, which changes our weather patterns, the size of the moon, and the warmth of the sun. It could explain why the northern lights can be seen in the south.” Flicking her tail and falling silent. She wasn’t sure if that knowledge was truthful- it was merely something she’d heard in her studies.

Turning to Laney, she eyes the girl intensely- the corners of her lips pulling back into a sly smile, one that reveals her massive canines. “There are also spiritual beliefs- the idea of the universe speaking to us, providing guidance to align ourselves with our fate. But its up to us to interpret, which can make it unreliable.”  Her mind went back to her previous thought- that perhaps this was a sign for them to return to the north, where their Saxe brood might be lying in wait.



Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.

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1. The Dancing Sky Fern Gulley 10:16 PM, 03-12-2024 06:12 AM, 03-23-2024