
Whisper Into My Ear


09-24-2013, 07:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 11:05 PM by Liberty.)

The amount of idiocy the woman held was almost unreal. One would think they would learn to stay home when hell's ghost was after them, but the woman found herself farther and farther from Valhalla every day. What was she to do there anyway? Lay around and wait until something interesting happened? No, she loved to adventure, she liked the taste of danger- and so she would find herself here, deep within the caves that seemed to whisper stories into her ears. At first she had assumed she was alone, but after traveling deeper into the cavern she could sense another source of energy around her. His scent was intoxicating, the perfume of testosterone drawing her in like a home sick puppy. With her climbing age she had become more and more curious in the opposite sex, and tonight she was sure something interesting would happen. Something had to happen or she might just go crazy. She followed his musky scent, trailing it around like a blood hound until his essence was almost too much to bear. "Hello in there." She would say, hoping the man was near enough to hear her honey dipped words. She could not see him, but she assumed he was somewhere in front of her, deeper within the cavern. The way the walls played tricks on her audits made her assume if the man did not hear it from her then he would hear her voice whispered along the walls of the cavern.
