
Mortis x Halo readoption



Master Healer (256)

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3 Years
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1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
03-18-2024, 06:47 PM
Hate you both!

Out-of-Character Name: Lolaf
Character's Name: Willow
Adult Height: 42"
Size: Extra-large
Gender: Female
Build: Light
Appearance Description:
(This design)

Tall but slight, Willow very much embodies her name sake, she even seems to sway in the winds the same way. About the only imposing part of her is her height but she's clearly not built for strength, or even speed. Even a dancer's build implies some impressive athletics, Willow looks more like she could be knocked over by a butterfly. No matter what, she'll also never lose her childish soft appearance, being tall be damned. Wide round eyes, little cupped ears and a tail that's too long to be called a nub but too stubby to be considered a tail.

Willow is a hodgepodge of colours like there's 2 or more wolves trying to peek through in her pelt. The majority of her fur is an ashy black, not surprising for a Fatalis certainly. But she is splashed in a grey-white, patches of the colour are mostly uneven. These lighter patches can be found on the crown of her head, as a mask across her muzzle and eyes, her chest, the front of her forelegs, her toes and speckled just above them as well as along her rump and down her forelegs. Her stomach is dotted in it and the base of her tail and a longer patch from the middle length of her tail to it's end are also marked in this lighter color. But she's not done yet! A familiar teal colour. The tips of her ears, just above the white patch on her head and just above her nose this color marks her in uneven patches much like the grey-white. But it also marks her left eye in a very familiar claw like marking, as well as similar markings on the front of her forelegs and above her hocks of her hindlegs. The grey-white on her stomach is also dotted in this colour too.

And we're still not done. Finally Willow ownes a stunning pair of eyes. With central heterochromia both of her irises are ringed in a bright blue, while the inner part of her eyes are a purple colour.

Personality: In a word: a wallflower. Willow like much of her family is a gentle giant but where many of her siblings are friendly or personable Willow is less so. Not because she's mean or standoffish but because she quite frankly struggles with being social. Willow would rather spend a relaxing day at home with those she knows than an exciting one meeting new faces. Because the wolves she knows are known. She can reasonably predict how they'll act, respond. They're safe, predictable.

Around new face Willow will be quiet, shy, awkward and simultaneously eager to please and hoping to sink into the background. Willow's biggest fear is rejection, where exactly this deep seated anxiety came from isn't known but she will second guess everything she says or does unless she feels totally secure with whoever is with her. Ironically she also hates being alone for too long. She wants to be invited to the party, she just doesn't want to be asked to participate.

Willow has a ravenous mind, she has an almost manic desire to learn. Maybe it's because she hopes it'll protect her from her worst fear. Any opportunity to pick up something new is about the only time you might see Willow's timidness fade... Somewhat. She's determined to not let anything stop her from learning as much as she can. She may be a more annoying student though, as she'll seek constant validation when picking up a new skill.

Alignment: Lawful Good
Skills: Healing and Intellect
Mutations: N/A
Intended plots / other: Nothing concrete, start catching her up in skills and otherwise just throw her around to have her be a shy awkward gorl and see what happens. (I mean I'd love for her to have the most awkward teenager romance of all time, completely oblivious to any attempts to flirt with her but it'd need to be at least partially natural.)
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.

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1. Mortis x Halo readoption Adoptions 12:34 PM, 03-17-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024