
-- shock wave whispers


09-24-2013, 09:09 PM

ooc: As I start to write this the song I Swear comes on by John Montgomery.... I just...Yupp this'll be interesting. :P

Being here only a few days, Crucible still found it hard to sleep. He was much too used to being a rogue with no home and no security. Crucible had learned much from his time as a rogue, but some of it would take weeks if not months to undo now that he lived in a pack. He feared that his detestable sleeping habits would be one of these. Black paws carried him over the cool ground. Most of his whereabouts were known to him, but he was still trying to accustom himself to the area. Perhaps wandering about at night was not the most useful strategy in this endeavor.

The young man had caught the scent of a female as he trotted through the area, but had ignored it. She was of this pack, he was sure, but he did not know whom she was. No reason to frighten her by coming up to her in the night as an unknown wolf who did not yet smell of pack. Though he hoped that most of the wolves would know who he was after the meeting, one can never be quite sure.

A sigh sounded to his left, and Crucible was painfully aware that a meeting would be next to impossible now. By now he would have noticed that he was there and close and it would be rude to leave without introducing himself. Making his way through the wood, he came upon the lovely grey female from the meeting. His ears pricked. Of course he had wanted to meet her, but he doubted he would have had the chance to. Though he was curious as to why she would be up so late, maybe something was plaguing her thoughts?

He sat close to her and wrapped his tail about his feet. The nights had been getting cooler and he felt the need to cover his toes. Yellow eyes looked at every aspect of her. The stars reflected brilliantly in her eyes and it was very picturesque indeed. "Why is such a lovely femmae up this late?" As per usual when he talked to women, words sprang from his mouth without much thought, "The stars are beautiful for sure, but all you need do is look at your reflection during the daylight to see the same. Is there something on your mind?" Though only a yearling, Crucible had always been well spoken for his age and he happened to have a weakness for beautiful women. Cocking his head at her, he waited for her answer.

ooc: Men, they always take over my I should probably separate Dempsey and Crucible now before it gets out of control :P