

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-10-2013, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2013, 07:32 PM by Jupiter I.)

jupiter illidais

all-too-soon did the next wolf enter. hope coursed through her veins and she straightened with anticipation, giving this creature the benefit of the doubt as she entered with the same stature as the first--head held high, stride laden and heavy with confidence. maybe this one won't be like the first, she ventured, ears straightening a little more as the femme gave a slight bow. jupiter sucked in the she-wolf's words eagerly, waiting for what would hopefully be a careful selection of lyrics, only to be thoroughly disappointed. she did not allow for her outward posture and demeanor to falter from the positioning she had set it in. the moment her words were heard, a hissing sort of non-lupine snicker left her vicinity, slipping from the ebony lips of the tasmanian devil between her front legs.

"they're not very subtle, are they?" he murmured under his breath, close enough to her and voice low enough to be heard only by jupiter. she gave a slight chuckle, drawing him a little closer to her, and cast a neutral eye upon the new arrival.

"a good hunter, you say? and a fighter?" she confirmed, an impressed tone convincingly lacing her words. within, her patience was faltering, cracking and crumbling under the ridiculous attitudes of these wolves. were the creatures that had come to this land inherently lacking tact? had they been hit on the head by debris when the volcano had erupted? "good," she replied, nodding, though her timbre had fallen to a flatter level, with only about half of the positive quality that it had held before. "you will be assigned as a lunav--a hunter--until further notice, and then i will test your abilities as a warrior. bear your rank with pride, for you offer strength to us in the form of nourishment."

to worsen her mood, the maiden arrival spoke up with a long introduction full of names jupiter had never heard of and held no meaning to her. she fixed a curious eye on the she-wolf as she ran off before the sol could reply, and sighed heavily.

it was only here that she noticed another wolf that had arrived, tipped off to his presence by the snort but missing the idea of its cause. she tilted her head slightly, puzzled by her own lack of observant demeanor. may it was her slight frustration that had dulled her wits. in the very brief span of silence after jupiter's words he stepped forward with a rumble of his throat to speak. this time she did not allow for her hopes to pique, and instead waited, countenance neutral and without expectancy.

she was pleasantly surprised at the respective tone that met her ears, caressing her mind and easing its stressed state with a gentle sweep of its timbre. a healer? she wondered, eyes widening just a tad, though it wasn't too terribly noticeable. a smile crossed her face and she answered with a positive note in her sounding.

"thank you, marvel. you will not be turned away by my paw. you are as welcome here as the rest of these wolves," she returned, a chuckle slipping from her lips with ironic connotations that only marvel would probably pick up on. "i would be charmed if you were to offer such a service. when the meeting is adjourned, i will allow for you to demonstrate your skill in the area of healing." she nodded to him, acknowledging and thanking him for his attitude. she was also relieved to have a potential member of a passive skill in the pack--already the present wolves were partially proving themselves to be a bundle of trouble, and they would need an aurora to aid the recovery of wounds they would undoubtedly receive.

aztec returned with a rabbit in her jaws, and jupiter gave the slightest of nods to her as the prey was set at the base of the log before her. "thank you. a good hunter you will make, aztec. i wish you luck as a lunav as well, as you have proved that you are capable in that skill." she paused to consider both the question and suggestion, though she was already aware of the latter answer. "this will be the pack of ludicael," she replied, allowing a bit of deserved pride to surface, tail wagging a little. "as for the suggestion, i appreciate the input, but i value not such a law. should we obtain any elders within the course of our existence, they shall be fed first. until then, we divide the prey equally and allow for no gluttony among us." she paused, and then examined those present. "share this rabbit among yourselves. i re-gift this prey as an offering to our new members. enjoy it." her tone was light and joyous, free of the earlier burdens it had held.

she once again surveyed those in attendance, deciding that she would wait a few more minutes before beginning a run of the laws she had settled upon for this blossoming affiliation. those that came afterward would be filled in, but probably without as much enthusiasm, though this depended on how the next series of events played out. she shifted her pained weight and took a deep breath, waiting.

? 875 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
well this turned out longer than intended. oh well. cx hope that it suits~ after the pack laws are gone over by jupiter, you guys can change your affiliations, but not until then (just as a note). c:

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.