
Luke 8:39

Tox kids???



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
03-19-2024, 07:48 PM

He recognized the kite that landed not too far from him, he'd seen it many times over the years. However, he hadn't expected the news it would bring. Abandoning his herb gathering for the time being, he wordlessly gestured for Pollux to finish collecting up what they had managed to gather and return home. Hallux joined with his sister's kite to lead him back to the shrine, though he was at least somewhat skeptical about what he might find there. A long dead carcass, being consumed by the earth? A mad matriarch, come to raze the very earth on which they stood? He truly couldn't predict what he would find when he returned home.

Things had changed since they had last seen their mother. They had changed since Toxicity had vanished. Modesty had been blessed in many ways, physically and spiritually. She was a mother, she had a family. By comparison, the tenuous relationship he was building with the timid blonde male that may well be in the shrine proper at this very moment... well. He worried about what his mother would say about his failure to do his duty thus far.

He slowed as he approached the clearing, the familiar violet hues of the pool's waters reflecting on the pallid bark of the trees was unearthly and haunting. Just the setting for a resurrection. He took a moment. Caught his breath. Righted the delicate chains that strung across his slender form. It was still taking time to adjust to the sensation of his tail fur dragging across the earth with each step. The way his long coat now ruffled with the breeze of his movements. He cast those anxieties aside, and closed the distance. And there they were. Modesty was closer to him, though her back was turned. But he couldn't deny the sight of his mother, just as changed by the currents of time as her children. Bodice wreathed in dark dyed patterns and fur shorn close to her kohl hued flesh, looking as devastating and otherworldly as the day she had vanished.

For a moment, the godling could not find his voice. When it did finally return to him, whisper soft and dripping with disbelief, he could only utter a few words. "You've returned to us." he murmured as he drew up alongside his sister, the muscles of his limbs tensed to the point where he feared they might break. Two toned gaze drifted over the still-familiar form of his mother, taking in the weave of patterns on her fur and the glint of her eyes in the dim light of the whorling pond's waters.

"Pontifex" || "Hallux" || "Pollux"

Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.