
When The Sun Dies and Night is Calling



09-25-2013, 12:55 PM

OOC: I was thinking they could get some words out before they fight :D
Also edit for change of area. accidently posted in amenti territory at first but star changed it for me :D
The daemon of the north was finally ready. She had already spoken to her followers. She knew they would support her. Karmen wished for power and fun. Ozz was her love. That was all she needed. There were more, but those two were the shiny pennies. She was ready to challenge little Alena for Amenti. She once sought to join the pack but not a soul joined her at the borders when she called. Now, she wished to rule it. The woman was a beast. Not the largest of demones, but her body was packed with tormented muscles. Her face was covered by a Wolves skull she skinned and placed upon her head. It stayed on tight enough to stay on when fighting, it provided enough coverage to protected her eyes and muzzle. Though, she was not one to really care. She would fight without it if needed.

It did not take long to arrive upon the battle lands. She was not far from her home, the S.S Antiox. Her paws thudded upon the ground like war drums. Her muscles rippled with each movement and her head was held high. The woman entered the pines without care. She hoped it would be her land soon enough. If the woman did not win she had a back up plan. She was smart yet horrible insane at the same time. Her claws pierced the dirt as she trotted along. Though, when she was deep enough within the territory her head shot up and her paws stopped. A gruesome howl rung through the land. Inviting the leader of Amenti to join her in a fight for the pines. She hoped her woman would come as well, for support, yet she needed none. She licked her lips and sat casually. She scratched behind her ear and let forth a pleasure filled groan. She slouched over and eyed her surroundings with lack of interest.

