
-- picking up the pieces


09-26-2013, 09:01 AM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2013, 08:53 AM by Epiphron.)

The black male missed his dearest companion. The golden eyed wolfess was the reason that he had found happiness, albeit one that he wasn?t entirely sure that he deserved. Still, he had always been told not to look a gift horse (wolf?) in the maw, and Angeal wasn?t about to start questioning his good luck now. After all, he was truly happy for the first time in his life, and he had not heard from Sephiroth in some time. Perhaps the hint of his past had faded from existence once and for all, and Angeal would be able to build his new life in peace. He hoped so; Angeal wanted nothing better than to have a happy, contented life with Liste far away from his tainted past.

Speaking of Liste, Angeal found himself desiring her company more and more the more that he thought of her. Standing in the heart of Ludicael, Angeal knew that she could not be too far away. There weren?t many places that the female could go, and she did not seem inclined to wander too far away. A hint of anger flashed in the mind of the male at the thought of the fear in her voice when she had told him of her father, but Angeal shoved that aside fiercely. It would do him no good to get angry at something that he could not fight; something that he had not even met.

Exhaling softly, the black wolf tilted his head back and let a howl spill from his maw, calling his beloved to his side. He needed her company. It was that simple. She made him see the best in everything, and particularly in them. He was at his best when he was with her, and he ached when he was without her. Right then, he needed to taste her scent and feel her fur pressed against his body. He needed Liste.
