
I cant be anybody else!

Norad refugees



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

1 Year
03-20-2024, 03:15 PM
The whole ordeal with the group of wolves he had thought were nice has left Nolan feeling dizzy as he weakly stumbles along with Trixy and remembers the terror he had felt and being held hostage. How could he have been so stupid as to not see the signs that the armored group had been anything but peaceful? Questions bounce around inside his skull until all he can do is softly whimper as they pull to a stop on the golden sands. Wide, fearful eyes look to Trixy as she barks out, calling those of Norad and the neighboring packs to their sides before directing Frank, her mini piebald reindeer with the pretty red nose, to stay with him.

Then, she turned to go back for their father.

Fear immediately surges in his chest as Trixy makes like she is going to leave and Nolan tearfully calls out, “Don’t leave me!” When the boy had started to cry, he isn’t really certain but the tears now cascade down his cheeks and he lurches toward her, forgetting Frank as he feels the pressing need to be with his sister. He seeks to slam into her, not to knock her off course but so that he can bury his face into her side as the first of many sobs rips free from his throat. Vaguely, he is aware of his daddy, Tanelan, joining them and instructing them not to wander off.

But Nolan is lost in his own tormented world as he repeats over and over again, “I didn’t know! I am sorry. Please don’t leave me.” Body shakes violently as the pup thinks that Trixy is upset at him for everything that has happened and, honestly, he cannot fault her for it. The bag with books and snacks that hangs around his shoulder is forgotten for the moment as he sobs, whimpers, and sniffles, needing his family to understand that he didn’t know this was going to happen.

Because, right now, Nolan feels as if he should have seen this coming.

"Nolan Ravenwood"

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1. I cant be anybody else! The Shimmering Shore 12:55 AM, 03-20-2024 01:28 PM, 05-12-2024