
water princess


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-20-2024, 05:01 PM
Since the failed raid against the Raiders Hollow, Haydée has been carefully tending to the new wounds that grace her face. The stitches that had been applied to her torn right cheek and brow pull with every subtle movement of her features and the young woman often has to take the herbs that the healers had prescribed to dull the almost constant ache they give her. Thankfully, the wounds on her neck are finally settling into scars and they no longer are a source of pain.

Along with the scars, Hay’s mind has turned on its self and she now second guessing every choice that she makes. In her den, candles flicker, lighting up the darkness as she shuffles through a few papers. There is always work to be done as an alpha and the young woman is constantly learning things each day. A call from Cattail Creek pulls her from the information that is laid out before her and she is quick to organize the sheets before standing and moving to leave.

Hastily, Haydée moves through the tunnels that lay behind the falls, momentarily pausing to blink away the dark spots in her vison as she is deposited out into the sunlight. With a swiftness born of her smaller size, the young woman lopes out to the creek, only slowing when the familiar coat of Ikuchi comes into view. With a warm smile on her lips, the young woman joins the pair just Iki greet the stranger and the Leader’s emerald green eyes gaze lovingly down to her nephew as she happily says, “Thank you, Ikuchi. Great job on your greeting!”

Joy lifts her features as she bends to gently nuzzle the yearling’s head with affection before she turns her full attention to the red wolf that waits outside their borders. Everything about Haydée is open, relaxed, warm, and friendly as she greets the woman who is only slightly taller than herself. With a respectful dip of her head, she says, “Hello. I am Haydée Kedieo, Leader of the Ethne. How may we be of help?” They do not appear threatening and the fact that they respected the pack boundaries tells Hay that they are a courteous sort of wolf.

The warm smile never leaves her lips as Haydée talks with the pair.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

Thread Move Log
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1. water princess Cattail Creek 05:47 PM, 03-19-2024 11:28 PM, 07-31-2024