
easy does it



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4 Years
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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-20-2024, 05:13 PM

She noticed his obvious surprise and she did appreciate the follow up question he asked about whether or not she was concerned that her offer to show him around the island might have repercussions down the line. In a way, the fact that he was asking at all made her feel all the more confident that he didn't have any ill intentions. Unless he was playing a very long game, she felt like anyone with genuinely bad intentions would have either walked in regardless of the borders or would have readily accepted her in order to get in and not give her a reason to second guess her choice. It was a valid question, but in asking it he actually put her more at ease.

Avacyn gave him a little smile as she answered, "No, I'm not too concerned. I'm not so delusional as to think that we are the only wolves to have ever been on this island so I know the layout of our home is not secret. Instead, I just focus on making sure our warriors are always prepared to face a threat should it ever come to our doorstep." She gestured for him to follow her and turned back toward the center of the island where she had come from, taking him down the well worth paths through the evergreen trees that covered a majority of the island. "In truth, I feel like we utilize a fairly small portion of the island regularly," she shared as they walked, passing through a bit of forest with looming, jagged peaks rising in the distance. "It does mean that there is still plenty of wild land to hunt from without having to go to the mainland if you're willing to deal with the cliffs and mountains."

It didn't take long for the large lake that dominated the middle of the valley to come into view along with some of the things the pack had built up around it–most notably a garden that stretched over one of the few pieces of flat land in this area and a set of sparring rings toward the opposite side of the lake. She brought him to the beginning of an old dock that stuck out over the water, some of the wooden planks broken and missing. "This was one of the reasons why my mother originally chose this island to found the pack on. Despite being surrounded by ocean, we always have a plentiful supply of fresh water. The fishing here can be pretty plentiful too depending on the time of year."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. easy does it Alias Island 10:48 AM, 02-27-2024 06:36 AM, 06-24-2024