
water princess



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
03-20-2024, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2024, 05:46 PM by Mélisande. Edited 1 time in total.)
m é l i s a n d e

her call is answered swiftly; evident of an active and lively pack. mel is pleased and evermore so to see an excited wolf greet her first. a tri-colored wolf: one of the smallest melisande has ever seen. it's green eyes denoting their youth, perhaps a yearling. contagious enthusiasm was the best; & she gladly reciprocated it with a lowly tail wag of her own and a soft grin. with not much but a feathered nub wiggling as she shifted her weight side to side and flattened her ears. licking her maw some as she gave a small whine of agreeableness; a whistle almost as her torso moved with her playful stomps. "Of course little one!" she giggled, admiring the other and their expressive heart as they rolled & dropped their bone.

already, melisande seemed to find a sense of compatibility here. unforced and authentic to it's cause. it's then her garnet orbits spot yet another arrival. painted in umber strokes: easy on the eyes with a complimentary emerald gaze. this one seemed related to the smaller wolf, and to her surprise, Melisande was larger than both. Relaxing a bit now, melisande listened and watched as the two familiarized. only then, would the red fae speak in turn. "I am Mélisande. Pleased to meet you Haydée Kedieo." she mirrors the bow then lifts her head, her face pleasant and relaxed while offering a kind smile. "I wish to join your pack, Ethne. I am not from around here. I've found your home by fate so to say." she chuckles effeminately. "If you will have me of course."

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by nelsa

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1. water princess Cattail Creek 05:47 PM, 03-19-2024 11:28 PM, 07-31-2024