
Bin chicken you out



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-20-2024, 06:26 PM

Avacyn gave a curious little tip of her head as Deluge shared how her mother had pulled her back into the Raiders, at least for the time being. By the way it was said it felt as if the decision hadn't entirely been her choice, but it seemed like Deluge was still in good spirits regardless. "Family can be hard to get away from," she admitted with a smirk. She was too duty bound herself to ever even consider leaving her family or abandoning the responsibility that had been placed on her as a pup, but she had to admit that if it had been an option striking out on her own with Saracyn when their relationship began to develop would have made things far easier. Perhaps one day when they were older and the mantle of Matriarch was no longer hers to hold it could be something she'd let herself ponder.

She listened with interest while Deluge gave her the details about another leg of her journey that had taken her further north to a cave with odd paintings of primate-like creatures that only had fur on the top of their heads. It made her head tip again as her brow creased with thought as she tried to imagine the image that Deluge was attempting to describe. Whatever that creature was it sounded very strange indeed. Now Avacyn wanted to see this strange cave for herself, but she imagined Deluge was probably right–it was pretty difficult to get much of anywhere up north in the colder months. "If you feel like playing tour guide come summer and don't mind me tagging along I'd love to see that cave," she admitted. "I've never heard of a place like that so it'd be a new experience for sure."

Her ears perked at the sounds coming from the trees above them, her dark gaze being drawn upward for a moment as well as they continued to move through the foliage and take in more of this tropical island. Her attention returned to Deluge as she asked about her and Elysium. "We've been doing well," she replied easily. Things for her personally had been turbulent, to say the least, for a period of time, but even that had seemed to find a kind of resolution and she was finding more and more to look forward to in the future. "Things have been quiet, which I suppose I should be grateful for. There's new pups being born so the pack is growing and I'm finally filling some of my more important ranks. I think the only thing I'm still trying to figure out is how to motivate my wolves to train and work on their skills. It's not like I'm going to be sending them to war, but I'd like for them to be prepared in case the fight ever comes to us."

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. Bin chicken you out Ibis Islands 08:44 PM, 02-03-2024 10:12 PM, 06-09-2024