
Shifting through shards




Expert Navigator (130)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
03-20-2024, 09:13 PM

The girl's golden optics flicked between both teeth as he eased off the pressure over her. A release she welcomed readily, licking her lips and wagging her tail to pacify him.

Little...slave? She looked back at the pile of bits and bobs she had stumbled over after she had naively hidden them from him. He fully released her from her vulnerable pose. She took two shaky breaths before unsteadily getting back on her feet. Her eyes were glued to her task, her mind buzzing and reeling with her new title. She nearly forgot to answer him as she gathered an old helmet with a strap she grabbed as a makeshift basket.

"Ig-" She coughed, her mouth felt dry as her heart raced, "Ignita..." She replied pitifully grabbing a few of the larger spent gun casings and placing them in her bucket. Her mind was a bit freer to reflect on the event now. He was so much bigger than her. She quickly scanned a small fragment of a spent grenade and found a larger piece to add to the collection. He was so much faster than she was ever going to be. Her cushioned illustrious life of invention and discovery never pushed her the need to defend herself.  

She glanced at him, even though she was a meter away he still towered over her. Opposites in every way down to their inverted pelt colors and stature...
"What will I call you?" She asked, a hint of anger at her new situation creeping into her tone, by her luck, he'd want her to call him something egregious like Master or Mighty Guy. How could she be so stupid? She shifted through the clutter of shiny things and didn't find any more curious things she could use in this pile and without thinking of his permission she shifted further to another pile starting to get lost in the task.

[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]

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1. Shifting through shards Veteran's Plateau 10:41 PM, 03-17-2024 05:56 PM, 04-18-2024