


09-25-2013, 01:59 PM

There was a lot to be said about a healer's patience. A healer had to be patient to deal with warriors who had fallen injured, as they were the worst sort of patients, but to have this many warriors injured, and being the only healer in the pack was nearly a nightmare. Though she was extremely capable of tending to the pack, even she was aware when she would need help. This stranger, who smelt of no pack she had encountered thus far, was offering to help and already helped a lot. Without him, she wouldn't have been able to carry Isardis to the lake.

She was thrilled to hear that Argent was okay, a wave of relief washed over her. The news of the battles she had left, was troubling to say the least. Was Isardis really going to initiate a war over some she-wolf? She flinched visibly when her king snapped, 'No!'. Her eyes narrowed in something akin to confusion, as she started at him, shaking her head exasperatedly. Opening her jaws, she was about too give him a piece of her mind, when the female, that Isardis had jumped to defend moved towards the water. A hissing sigh escaped her, as she mover towards Isardis again. "Isar-" She broke off at the sight of a friendly face.

Argent arrived, and Eris offered a gentle wag of her tail as a greeting to her friend. The duchess dismissed the stranger, and Eris turned her head, offering him a nod of thanks, making a mental note to thank him formally later. Again, she was just about to speak to Argent, directing her to help the other female, when Taurig, Isardis's son showed up, and moved to help her himself.

"Argent, help me get Isardis in the water, before his leg falls off due to his stubbornness." The words were clipped, and she cast an annoyed look at the albino male, while watching Taurig and the other female maneuver into the waters. While she understood that pride ran deep in Glaciem, she was a healer, and humble enough to seek help when needed, and Isardis's blank refusal of help frustrated her greatly.

Gently she would move close to her king, hoping to press against him with her small frame. She was worried about his injury, and wondering how she would convince him to stay off of it for a few days for it to heal. Looking at the duchess, she spoke. "Argent, how serious are your injuries?" Expecting honesty from the she-wolf, she would wait for her response. Through all of this, she couldn't help but feel as if she was a fish out of water, out of her depth.

"Taurig, help her into the water and keep her still." She instructed gently. Towards the female, whom she had yet to meet, she spoke. "I'm sorry miss, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet, your name is?" She hoped not to seem rude or lacking in her knowledge of the pack, she had just yet to meet every single wolf.
