
I cant be anybody else!

Norad refugees


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-21-2024, 01:51 PM

The failed raid against the Raiders Hollows had left many of Ethne’s members sporting fresh, ugly wounds and Haydée feels solely responsible for each and every one. She has taken to holing herself up in her den, pretending to drown herself in paperwork while really, she just sat there, replaying everything that had happened since the first raid in her mind. At some point, the candles that lit her room had burned out and plunged her world into darkness but the Leader did not notice because her mind is far from here.

A desperate call from the neighboring land half-registers in her mind and Haydée struggles to find her way back to the present where she blinks in the abyss. Standing, she bumps her way to where the fur that separates her den from the network of tunnels that lay behind the waterfall. Pushing the thick fur aside, the russet woman winces at the soft light that the lanterns beyond throw at her and she suddenly wonders exactly how long she had been sitting in the dark.

But are more pressing matters to attend to and Hay swiftly races across the distance that separates her from the urgent call. As the Leader draws closer, she finds a throng of wolves, milling around on the beach and heart sinks as she realizes that these are all Norad wolves. Spying the familiar form of Artorias in the crowd, she carefully weaves her toward him and arrives just as Trixy relays her tale.

Stopping dead in her tracks, fear clutches her heart and crawls up her throat, stealing her voice as she silently hopes that Beauregard is safe. Features tug down into a frown and her freshly stitched right brow and cheek pull painfully at the movement but she does not have time to worry about the moment. Norad has been their steadfast ally and is important that they be taken care of through all of this.

Lifting her voice, she turns her gaze out the wolves as Haydée addresses the gathered crowd with calm authority, saying, “All Norad wolves are welcome in Ethne lands. If you wish to join us, let me know and accommodations will be made for you.” Eyes sweep the gathered, lost wolves as she speaks, sorrow tugging at her heart. As she finishes, she looks directly to Artorias and lowers her voice so that she is not shouting at him as she softly says, “We need to talk, later.”

Her scarred features are tense as her green eyes gaze up at him, mouth set in a grim line as Haydée knows that they will have much to discuss. However, right now, there is work to be done and she moves to place herself in front of Bellatrix to stop the angry girl from striking off after her missing father. A sad, understanding smile pulls at the Leader’s lips as she gently says, “Your brother needs you right now. Stay with him and I promise to bring Beauregard back.”

The silvery boy that hasn’t stopped wailing since she first arrived, seems to be practically climbing on the girl in his attempts to keep her from leaving. Gaze flicks over to Artorias once more as Haydée wonders what else she should be doing right now.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. I cant be anybody else! The Shimmering Shore 12:55 AM, 03-20-2024 01:28 PM, 05-12-2024