
Putting theory into practice



The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-21-2024, 04:20 PM
Day by day he was getting more and more confident with his healing skills. He could pretty much list off every herb that was currently growing in the Hallows garden and greenhouse and he could recognize nearly all of Aunt Gwyn's different medicines and extracts that she had stored around the infirmary and in the pharmacy closet. What he wasn't so confident in was the practical application of those things. He knew how to do all of it in theory, but the paws on experience was a little lacking. His aunt decided that he was going to have solo time attending the infirmary in hopes that he would have more exposure to different ailments that came in on a daily basis. In the back of his mind he knew that his aunt was near enough that if he needed help he could call for her, but he also really wanted to be able to do it on his own! His siblings were already doing patrols and stuff in their fields on their own, he should be able to do this!

He got to the infirmary early in the morning right after he briefly visited the greenhouse just to say hello to the plants and make sure none of them were super dry or anything like that. While he waited for someone to potentially come looking for help, he busied himself doing all of the things he usually saw Aunt Gwyn do–rolling bandages, cleaning the cots, restocking some of the medicines that were used the day before, all the usual infirmary stuff. Luckily he had Dovleac and Boabe to keep him company, the little monkey a newer addition to his life. Otherwise hanging out in the infirmary would have gotten really lonely and boring really quickly! He even practiced with Boabe on how to use the needles that Gwyn's companion Blue usually used to do stitches. It wasn't like he wasn't being productive, but he sure hoped someone turned up soon!

"Solaire Carpathius"