
grew up never seeing the stars



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (270)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Dire wolf
03-22-2024, 12:32 PM


Marrow whipped her head around at the sound of someone else approaching only to see the pale, brindled man she'd hunted with a few times. She relaxed and offered him a smile. Like with Wendigo she'd started to associate him with food and food made her very happy. "It is pretty, but is it bad?" She was guessing probably not as neither one of the men looked worried or were looking for shelter but she still wished to hear a verbal confirmation that they weren't about to die. Thankfully, Coran, assured her and that made her feel better about relaxing and enjoying the night. Fall was a lovely time and the sky made everything prettier. The air was cool but not entirely unpleasant. Though the beautiful night didn't seem to be helping Ronan's mood.

The blue and red male stated his wish to fight and Marrow grinned, tail waving. "Ok, I'll fight, I'll fight!" She had pent up energy from the sky and the excitement of something new. Besides, she'd always been the rough and tumble sort. Marrow faced off against Ronan. As he set his defenses she would set hers. Her head and tail gracefully shifted to align with her spine.  Her chin tucked as her neck scrunched back, shoulders rolling forward in anticipation as her hackles stood on end.  Marrow shifted her limbs equidistant apart, just slightly wider than shoulder and hip width respectively, her weight shifting evenly across her limbs.  She her limbs coiled to lower her center of gravity, her toes splayed, claws digging into the moist soil for extra grip.  Her jaws parted, brows wrinkling to wrinkle the flesh of her face as her ears pinned tightly to her head, eyes narrowing.  

Marrow expected Coran to join in and she loved the idea of trying to fight multiple opponents. The dark skies would make the battle more difficult though the light above helped in some ways. Yet, the strange coloring made everything seem slightly unnatural. Coran's pale coat would be easier to identify and although Ronan was brightly colored, the darker parts of his pelt seemed to melt into the darkness.

Marrow took a deep breath and charged. She would attempt to approach her opponent head-on before her body shifted slightly to her own left as she attempted to come at Ronan from a forty-five degree angle, facing in towards the man's right shoulder.  Marrow sought to lance her left shoulder blade into the outer muscular portion of Ronan's right shoulder, right into the deltoid, hoping the combination with her forward momentum would cause the muscle to temporarily seize up and buy her an advantage in time.

Simultaneously, the white wraiths fangs would seek to mar the right side of her opponents face.  Her upper fangs seeking to pierce the flesh above Ronan's right eye while her lower fangs sought to hook under the corner of her opponents right-sided jaw.  She sought a solid grip from which she could control the man's head and maybe limit his ability to retaliate.

WC: 508
Total: 1388

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1. grew up never seeing the stars Kamui Delta 12:55 PM, 03-14-2024 04:20 PM, 04-15-2024