
Black and Gold



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-25-2013, 03:09 PM

Anger, ice. It rippled through her stomach and veins like a river swollen by spring rain. This should not have happened. Deep blues, still as a frozen lake, watched the ground between her paws as she made her way toward the meeting, trying to force the ice to warm. Trying to step away from the edge. War. She had wanted, had hoped, that her last years of life would be peaceful, that it wouldn?t come full circle. No? That wasn?t completely right? Full Circle, would mean her pack?s death. Canines flashed angrily, the ice deepening it?s chill. Calm, peace. Protect.

The instinct shuddered through her bones. What would happen if this war escalated to deaths? No healer even remotely enjoyed the thought of death. Even less the thought of it coming by their own paws. Scents of the pack reached her nose, and she came to a stop beside a black form, and for a moment, she thought it was him, but no? Too small, and the wrong scent. Erebus. Deep blue gaze lifted as she gave the male a nod, eyes sweeping to Rayne. She had been vaguely aware of the ranks given out in Chrysanthe?s voice. Rayne?s training had been completed, just yesterday, so this was well timed. Despite the chill in her veins, and how deep into the ice her temper was, she let her approval show, and felt the heat in her chest. Haunches sank to the ground where she stood. One ear flicked back at the familiar steps of her daughter and middle nephew arriving.