
What Is The Glue That Binds Us?



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-22-2024, 04:39 PM

It was an incredible weight off his chest to speak his mind, though there were still nerves twitching in his stomach as to how his words would be received. Either way, he was glad to have said them and gotten his state of mind out in the open. Ardyn was a patient listener and when he spoke he started by explaining that he had entrusted Tyto to form a band. Coran's ears perked up but it seemed no such band had been started. In some ways that was a relief to him for Coran felt very strongly about this path forward. It would've been a damper on his fire to find that someone was already leading a pack of Vallhalan wolves.

Ardyn explained that he would not be joining for he wished to stay and look over their parents. Coran nodded in understanding, but wished to offer a potential option. "I completely understand, though if you and our parents wished to join for a few season's you'd be more than welcome. I plan to keep the band around our home lands. Staying first here in the plains then moving to the moor, perhaps the estuary but never very far. Even so, I will be happy to send my buzzard with frequent updates." Coran had to admit he was rather hoping his parents would join him but he also understood the bond that they had to these lands. Either way, a key point of his return was to spend more time with his family, he didn't intend to wander far.

Coran nodded. "Of course, I don't intend for the band to be permanent. When Valhalla rises again the band will either be passed on to another or disbanded and I would of course join." He grinned. "You are looking at your future Lead Hunter." Coran had learned much and he had every intention of matching his brother's skill in hunting if not surpassing it.

And you better come to my wedding in the Summer, or I’ll be deeply hurt.

Coran blinked for a moment as he processed his brother's last sentence. "Wedding?! You… what… you're getting married? To who? Goodness, Ardyn, we apparently have more to catch up on than I thought."

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1. What Is The Glue That Binds Us? Vericona Plains 05:56 PM, 03-05-2024 04:21 PM, 04-15-2024