
now we got problems And I don't think we can solve 'em [DM]



"Ms. steal yo girl"

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03-22-2024, 04:43 PM

Sparrow's mind slowly ebbed and faded in the bloodlust of the struggle, her vision drenching with deep reds. Her teeth gnashed at the enemy before her, tearing it from bone as her opponent's teeth did the same. Eventually, the bloody tide of the battle shifted, and Sparrow, worn and wrought with grief, began to gain the upper hand. She pushed further into the depths of her power, tapping the very source of her being - all her emotions and skills coming together and exploding through her battered body as it struggled to hold itself up. Just a little more...

There was no time to relish a win, to ask Ruby to grovel, to look in her eyes for the fear for her demise. They struggled to the end, gristle and streams of saliva and blood covering each other and the ground below them. It was Ruby who buckled first, giving Sparrow the brief moment she needed to gather the rest of her willpower up. She attacked with everything she had, again and again, shredding fur from flesh and flesh from body. Her ears rang and her pain dulled as she was swallowed by the overwhelming sensation of accomplishing her goals.

A scream tore from her chest, both victorious and labored with effort and mourning. Her vision stirred to the bloody mess of what used to be Ruby, her limbs at odd angles and her torso opened up to a soupy cavity. Her lifeless eyes had only just started to dull, her bloodied maw seeming too pleased with itself. Without a thought, Sparrow snapped down and worked her jaw through the woman's bones, severing head from neck, tail from hips, limbs from body.

It was done. She wanted to scream again. She drank in the moment as she greedily gulped down breaths into her burning lungs, her eyes turning to those who surrounded her. Seer wasn't there, but someone else was. Sparrow dripped with her and her opponent's blood. She expected to feel lighter somehow, steeped in bliss and sunlight, but she just felt vindictive. It was over. What now?

Like always, she could put on a show.

Sparrow tore an ear from Ruby's head, tossing at Azure and Hana, her smile crazed and sharp, "Figured you'd want a souvenir from the victor, too bad it was me, huh?"  Her eyes glid over to Hanako for a moment, lingering on the tiny figure and how she had cowered into Azure's battered figure. They both looked as if the world had wrung them out and they deserved it, along with each other.

Sparrow looked for Azure's father, a man she had come to like much better, but he was nowhere to be found. Sparrow turned instead to Artorias. They were... cousins or something. Whatever, Sparrow tossed him the woman's legs. "Tell Seer I avenged her," she said.

Sparrow levelled her gaze at Medusa, "You're off the hook, for now."

Everyone else was likely an ally of some sort. She motioned Friar over and he came, sticks and jars and all ready to help. Sparrow piked the woman's head and threw her heart into a jar. "The rest of her can go into the volcano for all I care." Anyone was free to take the tail or whatever bits of her torso were left. Friar carted off his bloodied trophies to show off at the party, no doubt. Sparrow staggered towards the more familiar faces of Álarr and Gil, and some others she was sure she was hallucinating from bloodless at this point. Torn wounds throbbed as her adrenalin ebbed away, flaps of skin hanging where they shouldn't be. "Hey guys," she nearly slurred. Fuck, her vision was starting to get all wonky. "I think I need a drink..."

Sparrow has a female Harlequin Macaw named Pongolo and a male Capuchin monkey named Friar, and a hairless mushroom tuxedo cat named Beef Sandwich. She also has cat claws... and some weird leg spike things.

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1. now we got problems And I don't think we can solve 'em [DM] Whistling Willows 08:02 PM, 01-05-2024 12:49 PM, 06-10-2024