
Goodnight, Sleeptight, Don't let the dead bite

Jupiter I


7 Years
09-25-2013, 03:31 PM

She moved with great leisure to the point of near-nonchalance, legs cycling casually as she ascended upon the battlefield. One would think that Jupiter would advance with great haste with the fate of her kingdom possibly hanging by a thread but she did not. In fact, a smile molded from upward-turned lips of ebony was plastered upon her fiery countenance and a chuckle rumbled from the depths of her chest. Her mind had wandered to the events that had unfolded when Newt had been challenged for Amenti. She'd realized then why the woman and Kaios had been mates--they both had too big of mouths for their own good, apparently. Jupiter was not indignant nor did she have intentions on making a fool out of herself by providing such an unnecessary display as her rival had once done. If anything, the woman was secretly thrilled to be engaged in a battle again--her paws burned with an anticipatory itch as she spied the dark figure in the distance.

Her eyes narrowed as she laid eyes upon the obsidian-pelted brute, darkened smile turning more thoroughly into a smirk. It seemed as if black-pelted wolves were a common sight around Alacritia since the invasion of the foreign packs. Luckily, though, the size of her deceased opponent was not a frequent trait among the creatures here. In fact, this brute was about two inches shorter than he, though she thought little of it. Celestial optics sought out his bi-colored orbs, eyes narrowed not with anger but scrutiny as she examined her opponent, taking note of the scars upon his bodice. She too bore old wounds from equally old enemies--a small chunk was torn out of the middle of her left ear from the final fight for Ludicael and one side of her neck bore scars that grew very little fur from her takedown of Kaios.

There was little hesitation as she stopped about six yards from the male, facing him head-on. With a practiced shift of her posture she slipped into her usual defensive position in an almost habitual movement--her shoulders pushed forward to offer protection about the base of her neck, the blades tucking beneath the fur of her back to make them less of a protruding target; her ears tipped toward her skull but not fully, as she still wished to listen to this male should he speak; head lowered and pulled back a bit to bring the fat about her neck to scrunch. After an even breath she shifted her paws outward and put her weight evenly upon her toes, tail relaxed and parallel with her spine.

"I shall hear your name and your terms, but that is all," she stated simply and evenly, the only detectable emotion in her voice being a slight tint of amusement. The girl noted the tense posture of the other and found his rage adding to that one positive emotion. She wiped any other touch of that emotion from her features and then from her conscience, falling serious and quiet. She would allow him to speak and then give him the first move. The woman decided that she would not permit her frivolous emotions to put her family in danger.


for Ludicael


DEFENSES: Ears back in preparation to pin them, eyes narrowed, shoulder blades down and tucked forward, legs spread, weight on toes, neck scrunched, head lowered, tail even.


OOC: Good luck. <3


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.