
Sound Sleep

Rune I


5 Years
09-25-2013, 03:32 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

He was certainly not the safest he could have been, but he was the most comfortable. Not only was he able to sprawl out where he lay, as was his custom, but his position, so close to the falls, enabled the water's noise to drown out any thoughts he might have had before slumber could take him and clear his mind for a restful sleep. Which he really did need. Waking hours were spent in deep contemplation, planning and setting forth scenarios for him to follow through and determine the best course of action. Truthfully, he felt as if he spent more time running around his own mind than he did any particular territory, and he hoped it would all be worth it in the end. He needed the exercise, both mentally and physically, and surely every little bit of it would help.

Comfort was quickly set aside though as a gruff voice addressed him. It rang quite suddenly through his mind, causing the grey youth to startle awake, and as his frosty blue eyes opened and he lifted his head enough to peer at the male, still prostrate on his side, Rune tried to settle the raised dark hair that had sprung up along the back of his neck. It was an elder wolf who stood before him, question posed in an oddly conversational manner and without threat. A look of drowsy confusion set about his face as the stoic wolf frowned, rolling slowly to his stomach to at least get his paws under him as he quickly made sense of what the other was saying.

When he answered, it was not in an altogether friendly tone, flat but colored with irritation and defense. "It is if he has nowhere else to go," the grey wolf answered, matching the elder's gruff tone with one of his own. He tried hard to fight it, but his jaws eventually parted in a long, wide yawn, and it seemed to do a little in helping to clear his mind and wake him up. "Normally no one's up and about around here at this time," he added, tone flat though the look he gave the wolf was sure to hint that he had taken the interruption to his sleep less ideally than he could have. Normally he might not have been inclined to be prickly and intolerable when conversing with others, but considering the hour and his unceremonious wake up, along with all the things weighing on his mind, he did not feel in the most hospitable of mindsets.