
Pour Some Sugar On Me [p]


03-10-2013, 07:39 PM

He was the embodiment of stoicism, the dang refined warrior that he was, placed about the earth for carnal reasons solely. His fiery eyes alight in the evening, pressing, melting, shining against his face. It was the only thing that truly pulled the Arkhos from his normalcy. Well, it would have been if not for his gargantuan frame, his immaculate battle scars. He was a warlord through and through. Salmon tongue placed across his nose, and his chops, wetting the dry surface as naturally as ever, and with hardly a second care, he came upon the brunette corset of a young woman, and my my, she did look particularly droll. Depressed more so.

He would turn his head towards the water, and only back as a splitting yelp coursed through her. Without even the mere shrug of the shoulders the sovereign would turn his attention to the bubbling, frothing rivers and his skull would descend, thirstily consuming every bit of life sustaining nutrition he could take. Perhaps he was before her, casting upon her no sign of interest, but it mattered, and occurred, little to him. His goal in life was not to please, he was a survivalist, focusing only on the kill and the importance it enraptured.
