
Don't You Know, That Misery Loves Company

Bancha Healing Seaonsal



Master Fighter (355)

Expert Healer (175)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Snake Eyes
03-23-2024, 01:26 AM
**Set before the Valta pack challenge**

The wet, chilly change in the weather has meant that more bugs have been hatching lately and that means that Strix has had his paws full trying to keep fleas, ticks, and every odd parasite from invading the wolves of Valta. However, the down side of treating so many wolves with varying forms of external vermin is that the small man was bound to catch something eventually. Sitting outside, on a warm autumn day, the Klein man carefully stokes a small fire that has a metal grate set up over it as he prepares some treatment for himself.

Strix’s ears have bothering him immensely and he has a bad feeling that he might have picked up some ear mites along the way. Sighing as he tries to ignore the deep urge to scratch… no, not scratch, to bury his paw in his ear and dig until the uncomfortable feeling stops, the man tries to busy himself in the simple tasks at hand. A small, metal pot, filled with water, is placed on top of metal grate and he turns to the herbs beside him as he waits for it to boil.

Unable to ignore the deep itch, Strix violently shakes his head as his ears flatten against his skull and he growls out in annoyance. The space that the black and cloudy gray man has chosen to set up shop is wide open and he swears that he hears the pitter-patter of puppy paws close by. Turning his mismatched gaze out to the grass filled area, he tries to figure out if he has company by calling out, “Hello? Anyone there?”

Sure, his predicament is more than a little embarrassing but, if it offers someone else the opportunity to learn, then Strix figures he might as well share his misery with company. Waiting to see if someone will come forward to join him, the man’s ears remain flattened to his skull as they continue to be a constant source of irritation.

WC: 331
Total WC: 331/1500

"Strix Klein"

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1. Don't You Know, That Misery Loves Company Monument Rapids 01:26 AM, 03-23-2024 06:00 PM, 04-30-2024