
I Won't Let Them Break Me Down To Dust

Fighting Seasonal


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (45)

Advanced Healer (95)

1 Year
03-23-2024, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2024, 08:51 PM by Zion. Edited 1 time in total.)
Nightmares often wake Zion in the dead of the night as she continues to dream of the dark, terrible day all those seasons ago. She has been unable to move past that day or the fear that lodged itself so deeply in her heart that the yearling often does not travel beyond the safety of the family’s treehouse unaccompanied. Where she should be growing and flourishing, Zion has instead stagnated and found herself growing comfortable in the rut she has dug for herself.

Nestled in the soft, warmth of the dream realm, Zion enjoys the seeming change of pace as she playfully tussles with her siblings out in sunlight meadow. However, just as begins to feel safe in that fuzzy world, the rushing sounds of water fill her head and the flood sweeps in to tear her family away from her. Startling awake, chest heaving slightly, fearful eyes sweep the area as her memory slowly kicks in and reminds her that she is safe with all of her family.

The fear gives way to sorrow as she wonders why she has become so broken and the girl does something she normally wouldn’t do; Zion stands and silently makes her way out into the moonlit night all by herself. Paws carry her away from the familiar lands as she seeks to find answers out in the frigid night air and understand her own inner demons more. Stars glitter overhead, diamonds caught in an inky cloth, as the yearling breaks from the canopy of the trees, heading out where the crumbling wall stands silent guard.

Zion only stops when she reaches the dilapidated façade and the yearling places her butt against the cool stone slabs. Sighing, she allows her haunches to fold and her body to flop unceremoniously onto the ground while she turns her lavender eyes turn up to the heavens. Silently, she imploring the silvery goddess to help her on this cold autumn night and, as she stares upward, a wonderful, strange, magical thing happens to make the girl believe her unvoiced prays have been answered as ribbons of light suddenly burst into life overhead.

Features melt into awe as brilliant greens, pinks, and purples waltz across the heavenly landscape, offering their light to the world below. Zion takes courage from them, seeing a lesson in this celestial event and she suddenly stands, tipping her head back to issue a call for anyone who wished to test their might, right now. Usually, the stars and moon only offer so much light and fighting in the darkness, especially around the crumbling stone, is difficult as pitfalls and traps are hidden in shadows. But right now, with lights waving high above her, the world has been illuminated in a soft, ethereal glow.

Standing tall, ready to remember who she is, Zion waits for an opponent to appear. A stranger appears, tall and dark, melting out from the shadows like a wraith. They are silent, stoic, expression blank as he looks at her. Fear pulses in her throat for a moment as they simply stare at each other for a long time but then, his expression softens and he dips his head in greeting. Releasing a breath that she had not realized she was holding; the girl dips her head and settles into her defensive stance as the stranger does the same.

The colors above them are reflected onto the man’s coat, pinks, greens, and purples the likes of which she has never seen dance across his dark fur. There is an advantage that these celestial lights give, as they chase away the dark and illuminate things not normally seen in the dark of night. Crumbled bits of the wall that would have been hidden in the grass are plain to see and she is confident that she will not trip and fall. Without a word, the dark male lunges forward, coming at her straight on. Their heights are equal, their builds similar with neither of them at an advantage or disadvantage so, she shifts. Paws move across the colorful grass as she dodges away, his mouth snapping on open air instead of her face.

They both continue to move, the male pivoting to try and catch her while she lunges in to grab the side of his neck. The colors playing across his coat are mesmerizing and Zion almost misses her attack from being star struck. But she recovers in time and her teeth snatch ahold of his fur and she immediately pulls, trying to force him off his paws. The man grunts, shifting his weight to keep from pulled over while throwing his head back to try and get free. Releasing her hold, the girl ducks and shifts, making sure to stay on his side and not in front of him.

A rock of the crumbled wall almost trips her up as she moves but the lights above point it out to her and Zion is able to avoid it. Lunging in, she grabs ahold of his neck and pulls and this time, she succeeds in pulling him off his paws. Pride shines in her eyes as she stands over him, the aurora cloaking the victory in shades of pink as he looks up at her. Without a word, the stranger stands, bows, and melts away, disappearing with barely a broken blade of grass to mark their passing. Taking a deep breath, Zion looks to the sky and smiles at the dancing lights.

WC: 912
Total WC: 912 / 800

"Zion Falatis"

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1. I Won't Let Them Break Me Down To Dust The Wall 02:18 AM, 03-23-2024 12:26 PM, 07-16-2024