
Whose bed have your boots been under?


03-10-2013, 07:40 PM
ooc; pay no mind to the title, it means nothing :3

He was wandering again, this time a bit farther from home than even he'd intended to. The boy would never admit he was lost, but he very much was. He'd set out west, determined to see what lay on the other side of Seracia. The Kingdom was as far south as you could get unless you could swim, bordered by the southern ocean. Maverick loved his home, loved every inch of it, but his exploratory mindset would not allow him to stay there for more than a week without stretching his legs and getting into some trouble. This occasion, he was sure, would result in no less. The last time his blessed mother had nearly had a heart attack when he'd returned. She'd muttered - or screamed, rather - a million different things.. Something about him being dead in a ditch somewhere, and her being worried sick. None of it really mattered to him, he was a big boy and could very well fend for himself - or so he thought.

After celebrating his first birthday, the boy had gone through a big change. While his mischievous side still reigned supreme, it now manifested itself in wandering and juvenile troublemaking rather than the pranks and jokes of puphood. He'd been cute and adorable in his childhood, but it was time to become a man, that's what his father had told him, anyway. It seemed he had gotten the brunt of his father's 'grow up' lecture, Valkis and Kamala were his angel children anyway. Still, he knew his father was proud of him, even if he did drive him up the wall from time to time. His father had mentioned something of interest to him, the possibility of being chosen Heir. This alone was the biggest secret they shared, as he was not to mention it to his brother or sister under any circumstances, at least not yet. Still, the pride it gave him was overwhelmingly responsible for the addition of arrogance to his list of features.

Another overwhelming interest in the boy's mind - besides wandering, that is - was girls. Maverick had woken up one day and found the female species quite.. alluring. It had happened that fast, or so it seemed. And now the boy could scarcely walk about Seracia without ogling one of the older she-wolves. Ghost was his favorite piece to look at, as she was interesting and unique. Loccian wasn't bad either, but she'd helped watch him and he knew he'd never have a shot with her. Not that he'd have a chance with Ghost either. None of the older women saw him as the man he was. Before he knew it he'd stumbled across a ravine, which staggered jaggedly downhill twenty feet or more. His tongue lolled out of his mouth. He would have to drink. With haste, the man began to make the slow trek downhill to the water. His tail stiffened for balance as yearling legs carried him with surprising precision on his descent. Moments later he scrambled for his footing, having chosen a ledge that soon crumbled beneath him. Not finding anything to grab onto, Maverick went tumbling down three more feet until he landed on his side in the water. The air was knocked out of him as he yelped involuntarily, lying there motionless.
