



The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
Extra large
03-23-2024, 02:08 PM

Aylin's chest swelled with a bit of pride as Artorias gave her a brief assessment of her pose and movements. It was reaffirming to hear that his view of her skills matched her own so at least the knew that she wasn't delusional about her abilities. She was confident, but she never wanted to be unrealistic about what she had to work on. She nodded in agreement when he mentioned needing more honing and finesse on certain things. At least she was finally here to work with the master so she could get just that! She was surprised when he stepped forward and requested her sword form her, but she made no objections, handing over the blade for him to examine. She wasn't entirely sure where her father had gotten the sword from before he gifted it to her so she didn't have any details about its make or origin. It was a bit of a mystery in that regard, but she was proud of the blade regardless. There was an odd nervousness while she watched Art look it over with a scrutinizing eye, almost like she was afraid that he'd find something wrong with it.

Eventually he look the grip between his teeth and began to swing and move with the blade and Aylin watched with awe, admiring how easily he handled the blade as if it was just an extension of himself. The blade swished through the air with a quiet whistle as it cut through with each motion and she made sure to take advantage of the moment, making notes and observations on how he was holding the blade and what kind of moves he chose to do with it. She knew there was only so much she could learn just from watching, but it was still good ideas and inspiration regardless. She took the sword as he returned it to her, grinning happily as he approved of the blade, feeling some relief when he complimented its make. She wasn't sure how to hone it, but she was sure Artorias did so perhaps she could bug him for another lesson sometime soon to learn how to do that as well. When he asked whether or not the sword had a name she gave him a slightly bashful grin and glanced down at the blade that she held in one paw with the point of the blade resting lightly on the ground to free up her mouth for talking. "Not yet... I've been trying to think of something just right, but it hasn't come to me yet."

"Aylin Adravendi"