
Can We Borrow A Cuppa Sheep?!




Master Fighter (265)

Expert Hunter (140)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
03-23-2024, 10:00 PM

Aaahh!! The smell of livestock on the horizon excites him! Ripper makes his way across the grounds, slowing momentarily when he spots a she-wolf that he doesn't recognize, but the woman addresses his mother and so he assumes that is the infamous Corbie of Avalon! Ignoring the adults for the moment, he continues his mad dash across the grounds, his sights only for these sheep that his mother had talked about before! Whether or not they'd be successful was beyond him. Honestly, he only cared that he was partaking in his first raid! The sheep would just be the secondary prize should they succeed...maybe. He didn't know if that was the exact plan, but who cared!? He just wanted a fun fight!

Speaking of! He caught sight of movement in the form of an Avalon wolf running toward him, and Ripper was all too delighted to take on the other boy! He cackled as he switched into more fervent run, looking to collide with the yearling head on, matching the boys energy! They collide together like a couple freight trains without the brakes, and Ripper felt the surge of adrenaline (and a hefty bruise) blossoming from his chest. Ripper keeps his unnerving smile even as the boy reaches for his face. His opponents teeth manage to barely grasp his flesh as he hurried to pull his head back, a small laceration left behind as he tore his head away. "Ripper's turn! HEEHEEHEEHEE!!!" He cries before he tilts his head downward and throws his head forward, looking to aim a direct headbutt to the other boys skull. Was it a smart move? Probably not. But nobody said Ripper was the sharpest stick of the bunch.

Ripper vs Merlin for Dominance (raid)
Round: 1/2
Age: Under 1yr
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Egyptian Mongoose, Male, Battle
Mutation 1: Shark Teeth - Offensive
Mutation 2: Talons - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Novice Hunter


Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~

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1. Can We Borrow A Cuppa Sheep?! The Range 11:29 PM, 03-22-2024 11:41 PM, 05-06-2024