
A walk through the woods



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-24-2024, 09:51 AM

Avacyn noticed Juniper's surprise at the mention of her potentially coming back to Elysium to have a bit of fun with Saracyn involved, but she was glad to see that it was a pleasant surprise as Juniper commented on the kinkiness of the Mendacium. In truth it hadn't really occurred to her that the idea of a threesome would be considered kinky, but maybe that was just a sign of how true Juniper was. Ava chuckled and grinned with a little grin as she replied, "Perhaps we are. I guess you'll have to come and find out." In truth it just felt more fair and honest to Saracyn if she at least offered for him to be involved and felt better than trying to hide that she wanted to try sleeping with a fae on occasion. Besides, Juniper seemed more than eager to partake so what was the harm in at least putting that option on the table?

But for now her attention was fully on the little fae in front of her that was looking up at her with a look that said she'd be more than happy for them to fuck right now here in the open. Her words mirrored that thought, offering to kick things off right here and now which made Avacyn giggle and grin. She did love Juniper's enthusiasm, but she wasn't quite as willing to be completely exposed to whoever might pass by as June was. Luckily, her new little lover did have another suggestion, pointing out a cave that was back the way they came. "I think I would," she said with a smirk when June mentioned her preferring something more private, even though the feeling of her delicate paws on her lower belly did send little shivers of anticipation through her. If she was going to do this she didn't want any distractions or worries that they might be interrupted.

She got up then, letting her tail lightly brush across Juniper's back as they hurried off toward the cave in question, a mix of excitement and nerves in her belly as they went off to find somewhere to indulge in each other in. This was all so out of character for her–she never did things so spontaneously and had never considered being with anyone other than Saracyn since they became mates–but something about Juniper drew her in and tempted her in just the right way. They ducked into the cave once they reached it, stepping into the secluded shadow of the cool cave. It seemed abandoned now, but it did look like it was at least someone's den at some point since there was a bed of furs conveniently tucked into one of the corners. They were a bit musty and dusty, but after a quick shake of the top layer it would certainly do the trick. Any scent from whoever had lived here before was long gone so she felt comfortable settling onto the bed, laying on her side as she looked over to Juniper with a grin and raising a foreleg to invite her in.

"Avacyn Medacium"