
And now for a brief intermission




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-24-2024, 10:00 AM

Mariah's smile remained serene as she listened to Avacyn speak about their homeland, her mind flashing back to memories of the familiar sights and sounds. A pang of regret for missing this significant moment with her family tugged at Mariah's heart. Her eyebrows raised in surprise at the news that one of Avacyn's pups had been chosen as heir. The weight of such a responsibility was clear, and Mariah couldn't imagine the inner turmoil it must have caused Avacyn to make such a decision. Yet, she had chosen to spare the girl from carrying the burden too soon, allowing her to experience a normal childhood. Mariah nodded, impressed by Avacyn's wisdom and compassion. "A thoughtful choice," she commended. One that might be thankless in the end, but was far more impactful than Avacyn’s successor would ever realize.

Avacyn mentioned the rearranging of leadership ranks and Mariah's curiosity was piqued. Albion taking on the advisor role and Scylla as Master Warrior? It appeared that changes had indeed taken place in their pack. "Seems like Elysium is in very capable hands," she remarked, though a small tinge of regret crept in at not being there to witness it all firsthand. As Avacyn delved into the duties of the Master Physician, Mariah felt the familiar weight of responsibility settle upon her once again. She had always been driven by her studies and passion for healing, but the thought of stepping into rank still gave her pause. Yet, this was why she left home - to prepare for this moment. To serve Elysium in the only way she felt she was capable of doing. Her sister's encouraging words stirred up a sense of purpose, reminding her of the reason she came to Valta. Mariah's response was measured as she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper but resolute. "I appreciate your faith in me, sister," she said with a slight smile. “I’m nearly ready … There is one more healer that I’ve heard quite a bit about in the Hallows that I would like the chance to study under.” Her unwavering gaze met Avacyn's, conveying her strong resolve. “Once that’s done, I will bring everything I've learned home." She felt a rush of determination, the kind that only came from knowing that one was days away from fulfilling their long-awaited purpose.

Avacyn’s frown at the mention of their other sister, Fia, bothered Mariah ever so slightly. She had not seen Fia in so long herself, and she too was concerned about her well-being. "I do hope our dear Fia is well," she mused, her voice barely above a whisper. She studied Avacyn's expression before making a firm declaration. "But rest assured, I will make my way back home and fulfill my role as Master Physician to the best of my abilities. Consider it a promise." Mariah finished, hoping that her words provided Avacyn with whatever reassurance she needed.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. And now for a brief intermission Northern Mines 10:40 AM, 03-15-2024 02:43 PM, 06-07-2024