
Fruition of dominion

pack meeting


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
03-24-2024, 02:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2024, 02:40 PM by Cifarelli. Edited 1 time in total.)

How long had Cifarelli been gone? He'd lost count over time. Having left in the dead of night without a hint of hesitation. Too much plagued his mind. The heaviness of change resting on his weighed shoulders carried him away from the Saxe family. Something he wished had not taken place. Which is why his paws were barely at a rushed gate the moment he crossed over marked territory. Easily slipping through the underbrush and towering trees. The shadows were his cover to sneak into the area without being noticed. Merizi resting around his neck as per usual. Now nearly grown after weeks of good eating. She felt more powerful than ever. Her vein now dripping from sharpened fangs whenever she struck a prey. Even Cifarelli had watched such a scene with full attention.

Their gaze fell over the lands in silent appreciation. His brother surely picked a good place to claim. Even though he hated the cold, he could not do much about it. Lips slipping into a light smirk of some sort. A dead fox between his jaws swinging from his movements. His real present is hidden not too far behind them. The black plague told the woman to remain behind. To hide her scent until he called her forward. Hoping silently that both would grant him less punishment. A sharp look back at her, he stepped from the shadows. Leaving her behind. It didn't take long before he came into full view of them all. Everyone slowly gathered one by one to listen to their newfound leader. Each one was far more different than the last time he'd seen them. Cifarelli knew there would be backlash. In their eyes, he was an abandonment. Perhaps maybe even worse.

Which is why he tucked his tail. Belly brushed the ground as he approached his brother. The gift of the fox now lying at his brother's paws. No words were spoken. Head now tilted in submission. Though the entirety of the display made his skin crawl. A low growl bubbling in his throat caused Rizi to look in his direction. His tongue flickered out in mild confusion. Her master had never done such a thing. Even on their travels. He stood tall. Fangs bared in dominance. Now, he looked... like prey. And to this, she waited to see what would unfold. Cifarelli gazing only at the earth below.

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1. Fruition of dominion The Polar Sound 02:13 PM, 03-21-2024 08:55 AM, 05-08-2024