
Responsibilities or something of that sort




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
03-24-2024, 02:42 PM

He had admittedly been quite slow to get back into the responsibilities and expectations of being in a pack after he and his brother returned from their explorations. Even his father taking over as Ashen's leader hadn't really spurred him into action. He wasn't sure what was holding him back or at least not sparking his drive to do more than the bare minimum of occasionally walking the pack's borders, but he had mostly just been helping his mother whenever she needed it and otherwise existing around the pack or venturing into nearby lands. It wasn't until his father finally confronted him about it and forced him to admit that he had been slacking on his responsibilities that he was forced into action. The task of training or teaching the younglings in the pack was far from his preferred method of making himself useful, but there was a lot of them to teach so he understood why that was something assigned to him.

When he went looking for one of the kids to work with, he found not one of his own younger siblings but a young girl that his father had brought home. His mother had told him about the girl during one of his visits to chat with her, but he had yet to really interact with her until now. Even though she wasn't technically one of Chimera's numerous kids he felt like she still mostly fell under the same category. "Nimue, isn't it?" he said as he approached, letting her acknowledge him before he added, "I'm Morendo. Chimera has tasked me with training the younger wolves in the pack and testing their skills. Would you mind if I start with you?"

"Morendo Klein"

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1. Responsibilities or something of that sort Cryer's Ravine 02:42 PM, 03-24-2024 08:11 AM, 05-06-2024