
I'm gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone

Mercury, Ezra, Sephiran (and Kaino if desired)


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
03-24-2024, 03:59 PM

In truth, Rhazein as surprised at how smoothly the invasion had gone- he’d expected there to be at least one straggler, or even a warrior refusing to abandon their post. But the Norad wolves had cleared out before their group descended into their lands, searching for valuables and strays that needed collecting. Perhaps the Norad king had been anticipating an event like this- he’d done a good job at escorting his members to safety, which meant The Syndicate had no prisoners to claim. Hmpf. Rhazien enjoyed pillaging and bloodshed as much as the next guy- still, he was impressed with their ability to take over a pack with no bloodshed involved. Because he was also passionate about politics and intellect.

Regrouping with Sephiran and Kaino, they were being advised on the Sultan’s immediate plan for relocation- but their discussion was cut short when two wolves started calling at the borders, demanding the presence of their group. Or rather, Sephiran. Rhazien’s gaze shifted to Sephiran, and the change in the male’s body language was alarming. He looked infuriated. Like he recognized whoever was at the borders. Fuck. Maybe they’d have to spill blood after all, if someone seeking revenge had jumped the gun so quickly.

Stopping Sephiran from immediately rushing to the borders, Rhazien proposed an ultimatum. And although Sephiran hesitated to accept it, he trusted his uncle. Good. Shifting his eyes to Kaino, he shoots her a silent warning- let’s not make this worse unless we have to. She was receptive to it, of course- she’d come up with the ploy of using a ransom over a full on invasion, after all. Glancing between the three of them, and signaling their readiness. Rhazien falls in pace beside the younger wolves, interested to see this Artorias Sephiran described to him.

Emerging from the tree line, they are met by three wolves- all battle ready, apparent by the weaponry and armor strapped to their bodies. They were all closer in age to Rhazien than Kaino and Sephiran- a simple observation, that didn’t particularly matter. His assessment of the group was quick but thorough- analytic gaze capturing the important details of each man. All three dire wolves. The dark azure male being Artorias, based off Sephiran’s brief description- a man who looked irritable and disgusted, with a huge sword strapped across his back. The second, a man of equal stature, with bracers on his front two legs. The third, having antlers and armor with metal spikes. They looked experienced and ready to retaliate.

Sephiran went to step forward, fueled by inexperience and rage- but Rhazien casually stepped in front of him, not shielding the male but wanting to stop his advance. “Greetings, gentlemen.” He croons, lips pulling back into that suave, dashing smile of his. Serrated, steel-plated fangs shimmering inside of his maw. “Welcome to The Syndicate.” Although it sounded like a jest, Rhazien was being genuine- they’d approached the temporary home of their heathens, and he wasn’t going to respond with outright aggression unless they needed to. These males had purposely stopped at the borders too- not initiating an invasion, despite demanding Sephiran to the borders. Rhazien wanted to know why. Were these allies of Norad, perhaps?  "I can't imagine you've come to congratulate us." A short pause. "Friends of Norad?" Straight to the point, this situation didn’t require cryptic words or metaphors. If his suspicion was correct, they were probably here to declare themselves as an enemy.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. I'm gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone Cedar Falls 06:42 PM, 03-21-2024 08:29 PM, 06-18-2024