
Fruition of dominion

pack meeting


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

03-24-2024, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2024, 06:10 PM by Ely. Edited 1 time in total.)
Elysia had never been more proud of her cousins. They now had an official pack, and that meant they could finally settle down in one place. And she could go out and explore the lands without worrying that she’d lose track of her family. She wasn’t thrilled however to have to travel back up north where it all began, so far from her pretty pirate boy Scald. It would mean long travels just to visit with him.

But in the long run, it was perfect. She had packed up her and Ze’s makeshift den for the last time. Because now, they were home. And she could claim an official den as theirs. She had been poking about the available spaces when Sephiran’s call Rang through the air.

Dropping her task she eagerly took off at his summons, slowing her pace as she neared she let her eyes flicker over the assortment of body’s that had gathered before she had arrived. And that’s when she saw an all to familiar scarred frame. With a smirk she made her way towards the man. “Awww Tally Marks, it’s so good to see you again. I do hope you took your own advice with that bear. We don’t need your sexual tension making the other men grumpy around here” she teased before she shot him a shit eating grin. And then turned to plant her ass across from her dear uncle Rhazien.

“Hello Rhazien” she practically purred as she gave him a hooded gaze before turning her full attention to Sephrian.

"Ely & Ezekiel"

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1. Fruition of dominion The Polar Sound 02:13 PM, 03-21-2024 08:55 AM, 05-08-2024