
Fruition of dominion

pack meeting


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

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Samhain 2022
03-24-2024, 08:27 PM
The wintry taiga of Boreas unfolded before Aresenn and Absinth as they descended into the wide valley. Sheer rock faces rose on either side, a thousand meters or more, running for fifteen kilometers to meet the great northern ocean. A very familiar narrow canyon at the southern end offered a descent to the valley floor, a sheltered haven teeming with life. Freshwater waterfalls cascaded down from the steep faces of slate, feeding a mix of short grasses and lichens that carpeted the valley. After heavy rain, dozens of temporary falls dotted the cliffs, their waters rushing to join the sea below. The valley, protected by its stone slopes, stood out as a lush oasis amidst the unforgiving northern landscape.

As the first rays of morning light crept over the horizon, Aresenn and Absinth followed a different path back to the Polar Sound. The journey had been long and challenging, but far more intimate then trailing behind a band of raving maniacs high off their most recent conquest. But finally reaching their destination filled Aresenn with a sense of relief that washed over him like a warm embrace. It had been many seasons since they had last set foot in the north, yet the landscape still held a strong familiarity that stirred a deep sense of home within Aresenn's heart. The crisp air, the snow-capped mountains, and the rugged terrain all reminded him why he loved this place so much. He knew not everyone would hold the same affinity for this place. But for him, this was pretty well where it had all started.

Sephiran's call echoed through the forest, beckoning them back to the pack- and they arrived just in time to hear it. It didn’t take long to locate the assembly. Several were already gathered before the Sultan. It still felt weird identifying him as such. Though it wasn’t in Aresenn’s nature to mingle- he cast a glance at Absinth. Inviting her to accompany him off to the side, or notifying her that’s where he would be with a flick of his chin should she need him if she wanted to converse with the others. Once he had claimed a space for himself, he lowered himself to his haunches, waiting for Sephiran to begin.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Fruition of dominion The Polar Sound 02:13 PM, 03-21-2024 08:55 AM, 05-08-2024