
Skating on Thin Ice

Navigation lesson


The Syndicate
Effendi- Köle

Master Hunter (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

4 Years
Large species
03-25-2024, 11:37 AM

Rhazien had made a good point- they were heavier than Aurelia and Delaeni, who could use their lighter weight to slice across the ice with ease. There was also the problem of thin ice, which was hard to find unless you were standing on top of it. Perking her ears forward, she was interested in what Aurelia would have to teach them about navigating that difficulty.

Yes, navigating thinner ice required more caution- that was obvious. Being aware of their surroundings, was a given. But the mention of water on top of the ice, was an interesting revelation. Thinking about it in detail, it made sense. Azoula just hadn’t thought of it until now.

Cracking of ice, and feeling it shift beneath you- by that point, it might be too late. Hmpf. Aurelia’s notion of lowering down onto the ice and crawling, as Polar Bears do, was interesting. They were far larger than Azoula and Rhazien- beasts of the tundra, who lived on ice all year round. Mimicking their actions seemed appropriate, and Azoula nodded her head, saving the information for later. She wasn’t going to demonstrate it though. Casting her gaze to Aurelia, she wasn’t going to thank her for the lesson- she was a Sidi after all, and the Sultan’s at that. Best to keep their encounters minimal.

Turning to Laney, she slid over to the girl and pressed their shoulders together. A silent look of, interesting information, no? spread across her features. It was useful in multiple aspects, Azoula mused- especially for the tigress who enjoyed navigating difficult terrain.


Caution: Mature themes accompany this character.

Thread Move Log
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1. Skating on Thin Ice The Polar Sound 09:43 AM, 03-25-2024 06:31 AM, 04-11-2024