


03-10-2013, 07:54 PM
ooc:: Whooo! 400 Words!

a rush of courage ran wildly through her mind as the sol granted her the rank of lunav, a hunter, as she was in the group from so long ago. quietly dipping her head, she strode off a ways, plopping herself down on a nearby log, her head held high and ear pricked. across the savanna plains, the sun's rays of light cast themselves upon the grasses, setting her fur afire, along with any other objects it had gripped. she knew that her time as a leader would come, it would. she closed her eyes, letting the mind of her history pulse.

a flash of light and then nothing. gazing about, she could see the celestial satellites circling the center, the sun. below her, where alacritia should be, was nothing. another flash emerged, blinding the dame, forcing her to lift her paws and block out the blight. when it had cleared away, a new body circled the star. the supernova had created it, but it had been barren for ages. her mind forced her to stare at the bleak body for ages. when it finally unlocked, every star had been emptied of their light, left as if they were just black bullet points on a canvas. another light raced by aztec, ruffling her fur. she couldn't move at all, and was frozen in time as the light took form of wolves, seven of them... they dove into the rock, transforming it into a paradise. plants began thriving in the streams of water and the high mountain tops. as alacritia took form, so did other creations of the celestial gods, wolves, deer, all sorts.

even herself, her mother lay in a den with her beloved mate. to the sire, she revealed one lone pup, aztec herself. upon sight of the tiny being, aztec took form of it, filling the creation with life. as time flashed by, she could see the seasons change, and herself. why had she been so blind to the death of the tribe?

as the images continued, she slightly snarled and shook her head clear. when done so, her claw snared into a crevesse in the log, retaining its purposeful grip. the dame narrowed her eyes in scrutiny and slowly twisted the paw and pulled, freeing the claw.

later, she