
Two Truths, One Lie



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
03-25-2024, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2024, 06:54 PM by Talyssa. Edited 1 time in total.)

Talyssa's pale blue eyes flickered with a gentle light as she took in the wolves who had gathered around the crackling bonfire. Three girls, and a man that seemed to be a little older than her. Very quickly she decided that she was going to tailor it for the children, and hopefully, he didn’t get too bored with the exaggerations. As the third girl blatantly asked who she was, a flicker of amusement crossed her features. Just as she was about to start, she watched as the man came up and whispered something in her ear- likely a correction. She allowed her own attention to fall, so she didn’t add to the embarassment of the situation for the outspoken girl- that is if she had any.

It caught her off guard as he took a sudden grip of her paw, though she did not resist it. And as she made eye contact with the mismatched gaze of the alabaster gentleman … she recognized him in that instant. She vaguely remembered him coming to her rescue seasons ago in the face of a bear attack. It was hard for her to swallow the surprise, and didn’t know what to say. So instead, she offered him a friendly smile and an appreciative nod before clearing her throat to speak.  “Hello everyone! My name is Talyssa Carpathius, and your father- I presume, judging by the looks of some of you,” her pale blue glaze lingering on the two noticeably younger girls. She offered a playful wink before continuing. “Has asked me to teach a few lessons while I stay here as a guest. But before we get into any of that, I just wanted to tell you a little bit about myself and where I come from.” She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. “Do any of you know who the Hallows are?”

Talyssa made a sweeping glance among the few that had gathered, looking for any signs of recognition. Though, she didn’t wait for any confirmation before moving on. “It’s a pack just south of here, across the land bridge and into the continent of Auster. The Hallows is actually one of Ashen’s allies, if you didn’t already know that.” She explained, uncertain how common knowledge political matters were among Ashen’s younger members.

“Anyways, my mother and father are Briar and Artorias Carpathius- they are what you would probably call the King and Queen of the Hallows.” That was the point of this after all. To draw the parallel. Connect the dots. To introduce to them who she was and where she came from. But before she could provide more details on her birth pack, she felt it necessary to validate her relationship to it. To explain to them why she was an authority on this type of lesson.  

"Talyssa Carpathius"

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1. Two Truths, One Lie Cryer's Ravine 06:01 PM, 03-25-2024 03:43 PM, 04-19-2024
2. Two Truths, One Lie IC Archives 03:43 PM, 04-19-2024 06:49 AM, 04-15-2024
3. Two Truths, One Lie Cryer's Ravine 06:49 AM, 04-15-2024 06:31 AM, 04-11-2024