
Is it a pleasure to meet you though?


The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-25-2024, 10:03 PM

He gazed upon the lands beyond this newer border with a look that bore no emotion. Though he was hungry for those herbs he wanted, perhaps he could slip in and out without being found out. The thought was tempting, and it brought just the tiniest quirk of a smile to his lips. But he was smarter than that. It wouldn't bode well for him to trespass into a fresh new pack and expect no repercussion. Luckily he didn't give into those intrusive thoughts, because it wasn't long before some giant lunkhead arrived, not a word from his mouth but instead, guttural, feral sounds.

Phantom looked up toward the giants face, though his expression remained emotionless. If monotone was a look, he was it. Phantom had not stepped a single toe over that line, but judging by the way alpha acted, it seemed that wouldn't matter. Still, Phantom did not respond right away and instead, remained silent. Letting the sound of uncomfortable silence sit between them as he eventually let his gaze leave the brute and back toward what could be assumed more interesting things. Two could play that game, no? Smart he was. But petty, too.

Finally, Phantom would seat himself as a sigh left his lips. "Not one for manners, are you? Some words might make this conversation go a little easier. Though I suppose as a fresh Alpha, I imagine words aren't what you used to get your pack." He flashed a knowing gaze back to Sephiran, before it dropped back to the most bored look one could have. Seriously, would a 'how do you do?' kill the guy?


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1. Is it a pleasure to meet you though? The Polar Sound 04:01 PM, 03-25-2024 01:27 PM, 05-12-2024