
Getting steamy up in here



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
03-26-2024, 12:47 AM

My, wasn't he a handsy little thing! Rogue's paws drifted wherever they pleased beneath the water and Kaino wasn't the type to tell him no. The more pleased that he was with his current situation, the looser his tongue might be. The boy spoke of his lineage, coming from a pack called Ashen. A pack that his family ruled, no less. Interesting, interesting. She wanted more and, thankfully, Rogue continued talking. The Raiders and Insomnia were both on Ashen's shit list, it seemed. He didn't explain exactly why other than to childishly say that they 'sucked pretty hard.' Oh boy...

Once he was done playing information guide, Rogue continued to stroke the center of her spine. Kai couldn't deny that the touch felt quite nice. She was a very touchy woman, after all. The other paw slid along her hip and the lavender and smoke fae gave a little smile. This was getting interesting. Would the lad have the balls to go all the way? Would she have to guide him through the steps? Surely he knew how mating worked. Rabbits never ceased fucking each other's brains out. He had to have seen them in action at least once.

Rogue spoke again and his question was laced with insinuations. Internally, Kaino laughed. Externally, she lowered her gaze, shielding vibrant eyes behind heavy lashes. "There are many bad wolves out in the world that might want to take advantage of me." Kai slid closer to the boy as though frightened. "They might try to... bend me to their will," she whispered in sultry tones before shifting enough to press her chest tightly to his. Only then did she raise her gaze to his once more. The look within was innocent, pleading. "You wouldn't do that to me, right? You're one of the good guys?" Using a bit of force as she moved, Kai pressed into Rogue, pushing him back against the edge of the pool before wrapping her forelegs around his neck. The action caused him to sit hard on his rump and, a moment later, she was straddling his lap. "The world can be a scary place for a pretty little thing like me, you know." She could feel the beginnings of arousal beneath her and gently slid her body along it, though she made it appear accidental.

Kai's maw parted and a pink tongue ran over her lower lip enticingly. "How can I thank you for being so sweet to me, Rogue?" Since her forelegs were around his neck, she gently stroked his thick ruff, lightly dragging her claws through the midnight and cobalt fur. "You just say the word and I'll do it if I can." Leaning forward, she whispered breathily in one ear. "Don't be shy now."


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]